14 October 2009

And On The Eighth Day....

This reared it's vending head when I went grocery shopping the other day.

I think this may be a sign of some sort, but I'm on the fence between I-Love-Glowy-Things and HORRIBLY EVIL.


injaynesworld said...

I still can't see the photo, but maybe it's Blogger screwing with me. It hides MommySpace from me, too. :(

Lucy said...

Really enjoy reading your blog, so I left you a little something over on my blog!

Kristi said...

Horribly evil... no doubt about it.


Erin said...

Horribly evil and yet... kinda disco? (Oh, and Hi, great blog!)

Tawnia said...

Very creepy! Would only be creepier if it came with a glowing Jesus attatched to it:)
Love Tawnia

Pearl said...

Glow crosses! For the Rave later!!


Jane Lively said...

Jeepers Creepers. Did you see there's a Grow Your Own Jesus kit you can get, too?

We left you a kitzchy lil thing-a-ma-doobie over at http://fourjugs.blogspot.com/.